The modern way to build the web

Gatsby ships with a sophisticated caching and dependency tracking system we’ve spent years perfecting. Gatsby intelligently avoids re-executing redundant parts of the build so that sites build and deploy, on average, 2.5x faster than other static frameworks.

For even faster builds and deploys, we built Gatsby Cloud, custom-built cloud infrastructure for taking your Gatsby site to its fullest potential. Welcome to Gatsby! We’re glad you’re here. The goal of this tutorial is to guide you through setting up and deploying your first Gatsby site using a starter template. As we walk through that process, we’ll introduce some more general web development topics, and go over the underlying structure of a Gatsby site.

The full tutorial is intended to be as accessible as possible to people without much web development experience (yet!) — no need to be an expert. If you prefer to jump straight to code, feel free to skip the step-by-step tutorial and see the quick start page.

Familiarize yourself with the command line

The command line is a text-based interface used to run commands on your computer. You’ll also often see it referred to as the terminal. In this tutorial, we’ll use both interchangeably. It’s a lot like using the Finder on a Mac or Explorer on Windows. Finder and Explorer are examples of graphical user interfaces (GUI). The command line is a powerful, text-based way to interact with your computer.


import React from "react"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
export default function Home() {
  return (
      <h1>Amazing Pandas Eating Things</h1>
          alt="Group of pandas eating bamboo"

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